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Server code-scanner-00007-kiy-deployment-865db979f8-27jtp  Namespace %SYS   User SuperUser   Licensed To InterSystems IRIS Community  Instance IRIS 
     System  > System Dashboard

This dashboard displays the status of key system performance indicators:

System Performance
Globals/Second: 28.00
Global Refs: 1,498,299
Global Sets: 138,191
Routine Refs: 443,442
Logical Requests: 1,452,842
Disk Reads: 3,014
Disk Writes: 9,407
Cache Efficiency: 120.63
ECP and Shadowing
Application Servers: Normal
Application Server Traffic: 0.00
Data Servers: Normal
Data Server Traffic: 0.00
Shadow Source: Normal
Shadow Server: Normal
System Time
System Up Time: 0d 8h 52m
Last Backup: Never
System Usage
Database Space: Normal
Database Journal: Normal
Journal Space: Normal
Journal Entries: 4,845
Lock Table: Normal
Write Daemon: Normal
Processes: 5
Web Sessions: 3
Most Active Processes:
Process Commands
Errors and Alerts
Serious Alerts: 0
Application Errors: 0
License Limit: 8
Current License Use:
Highest License Use:
Task Manager
Upcoming Tasks:
Task Time Status
Switch Journal  00:00  Scheduled 
Security Scan  00:00  Scheduled 
Purge Audit Database  00:00  Scheduled 
Purge Journal  00:30  Scheduled 
Purge Tasks  01:00  Scheduled 

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